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Main Themes

- Graphical skin (2)

- Campaigns (0)

- Standard missions (1)

- Non-standard missions (0)

Last files

- Return to Kalidus - 1 / A Quest for Power
Evilupstart - 07/07/2003

- BrownSimple
Romain Vinot - 30/04/2003

- Ultra Marine
Jérémie Vidal - 29/04/2003

» Welcome » Graphical skin
Graphical skin
QSpacehulk features a theme engine to change graphics of board. The current distribution contains two themes, the new default "Deathwing" and the previous BrownSimple. To change your theme, you have the menu "View", then the submenu "Themes".

The theme are taken from the directory themes in your data installation directory (by default : /usr/local/share/spacehulk if you have not changed it at configure time). This directory contains all the available themes one per directory.

To install new theme : Create a new directory in your themes directory and put the images (in png format) in it.

To create a new theme, you must provide all the pictures needed by the application with the correct name and a file called theme.cfg. See the installed themes for example.
 By title   By author   By date   By downloads   By rating 
Ultra Marine

Author : Jérémie Vidal
Rating : 0.9/10
Nb dl : 1393

Author : Romain Vinot
Rating : 1.0/10
Nb dl : 695